
BPF (Belgian Parking Federation) represents the parking sector and the parking actors towards third parties, whether public or private, in the context of the challenges related to mobility and parking on and off-street in Belgium.


BPF informs its members and interested third parties about evolutions, developments and challenges in the parking sector.


BPF studies in close cooperation with EPA (European Parking Association) the challenges and developments in the on and off-street parking sector in Belgium.

BPF in a few figures

Founded in 1980, the Belgian Parking Federation has 8 members, who together manage more than 213 car parks in Belgium. The members of the Belgian Parking Federation provide their customers with 213,106 parking spaces in total in 45 cities.





The Belgians and Mobility – The car remains queen

In collaboration with Yago, Le Moniteur Automobile provides an overview of mobility in Belgium and the challenges ahead. The first observation is that Belgians remain attached to their cars.


Launch of a “research chair in urban mobility” by the Belgian Parking Federation and KU Leuven

The Belgian Parking Federation (BPF) is pleased to announce a prestigious partnership with KU Leuven on the occasion of its 600th anniversary celebration.


Large-Scale Fire Drill with Brussels Fire Department

VIDEO : Interparking, a member of the Belgian Parking Federation, recently conducted a large-scale fire drill at Brucity car park in collaboration with the Brussels Fire Department.


HLN: More than half find off-street parking too expensive

Parking is too expensive. That is the opinion of 65 percent of Flemish people. Last year, Touring received 2,029 complaints about lack of clarity and applied rates in the parking policy. That is a quarter more than last year.


The Belgian Parking Federation awarded by Visit.Brussels

The Belgian Parking Federation (FBS) was awarded the "Meeting Ambassador" prize by Visit.Brussels on April 27th. This prize celebrates the successful organization of the EPA Congress (European Parking Association) in September 2022.


EPA Congress: Speaker Presentations

Discover here the topics discussed during the 20th Congress and Exhibition of the EPA European Parking Association(held in Brussels from 12 to 14 September 2022).


EPA Congress – Pictures

The 20th Congress and Exhibition of the European Parking Association (EPA) was held in Brussels from 12 to 14 September 2022. Co-organized by the Belgian Parking Federation, the theme was: "The EU Green Deal and the Future of Parking" - Integrated Solutions for Dynamic Urban Management. Find here some pictures of the event.


Letter of EPA (European Parking Association)

Dear members of the European Parking Association, wishing you all a very good start in the year 2022 which we all hope will let us enter a new and easier phase of the pandemic with more opportunities for personal exchange, travel and face to face meetings.


Car parks are looking for a place for tomorrow

Na de crisis komt de ondergrondse wereld van de openbare parkings weer op adem. En ze bereidt zich nu al voor op de veranderingen van morgen. Op de verdiepingen zijn nieuwe machines geïnstalleerd. Nieuwe activiteiten ook.


Brussels: a turf war between cars and bicycles

As the number of cyclists on the streets of Brussels increases, so do the tensions between drivers and cyclists.