
The Belgian Parking Federation (BPF) is pleased to announce a prestigious partnership with KU Leuven on the occasion of its 600th anniversary celebration.

Creation of the “Leerstoel Belgische Parkeerfederatie”

Thanks to the financial support from the BPF, a dedicated chair will be established within the Leuven Institute for Mobility (LIM) at KU Leuven. Entitled the “Leerstoel Belgische Parkeerfederatie” (or “Belgian Parking Federation Chair”), this chair will be led by Prof. Dr. Johan Joubert, with Prof. Dr. Ben Derudder as the co-chair.

Objectives of the Chair

The chair will focus on studying the links between urban growth in medium-sized cities and changes in mobility patterns and policies. The funds provided by the BPF will support the teaching and research activities of the chair holders, as well as promote the activities conducted under its name. KU Leuven will retain intellectual property rights over the research results obtained within this framework.

Duration of the Partnership and Expected Outcomes

The BPF commits to a four-year consecutive period starting from September 1, 2024. This contribution will finance various projects and initiatives related to the chair, while ensuring significant visibility.

This partnership illustrates the BPF’s commitment to innovation and research in urban mobility and will contribute not only to knowledge and innovation in the field of mobility but also to the improvement of urban policies in Belgium and beyond.